Expanding the Concept of Crime

  1. 1. rules that govern serious violations of social code
  2. 4. The Criminal Act
  3. 7. A combination of Mens Rea and Actus Reus
  4. 9. latin for "let the decision stand"
  5. 11. most serious criminal offense
  6. 13. Supremacy of law
  1. 1. is not a law but a proposed model
  2. 2. "Body of Crime"
  3. 3. law originating from use and custom rather than from written statuses
  4. 5. rules that underline and are inherent in the fabric of society
  5. 6. guilty knowledge or knowledge of wrongness before act occurs
  6. 8. Basic parts, standards, or components of a crime than the government must prove in a court of law
  7. 10. Least serious criminal offense
  8. 12. A culpable mental state