
  1. 3. What should not be in your face during an experiment?
  2. 5. You should not be ___________ around the room during an experiment?
  3. 7. The information you get during an experiment?
  4. 11. The safety shower should only be used during an ______________?
  5. 13. What you follow during an experiment, or during class?
  6. 14. Your work area should be ___________ at the end of class?
  7. 15. What scientists are testing in an experiment?
  8. 17. You use these to protect your hands?
  9. 18. You do not wear these shoes during an experiment?
  1. 1. What protects your eyes during an experiment?
  2. 2. The most important thing to do during an experiment?
  3. 4. Your evidence supports your _____________?
  4. 5. You should _______ the directions/instructions before starting an experiment?
  5. 6. You should not have _________ in a lab/class?
  6. 8. Ask teachers or classmates for _________, if you need it?
  7. 9. You should not be ____________ stuff around the room?
  8. 10. What is needed to support a claim/hypothesis?
  9. 12. If you do not know what to do, ask _____________?
  10. 16. You should not _________ anything unless your teacher says to?