Exploring Life

  1. 3. The study of algae.
  2. 5. A scientist that studies viruses.
  3. 8. Can't be tested by science as it is personal aesthetics.
  4. 11. Belief that the star alignment directly affects you.
  5. 12. Study of microscopic organisms.
  6. 14. Can't be tested by science as it is based on belief.
  7. 15. Claims that your personality is based on the shape of your head.
  1. 1. One or more hypotheses that have been repeatedly tested.
  2. 2. The study of fungi.
  3. 4. Study of how physics interacts with living things.
  4. 6. The study of living things.
  5. 7. The study of plants.
  6. 9. Biology that involves ionizing radiation on living things.
  7. 10. An observation that can be tested.
  8. 13. Science of how organisms are related.
  9. 15. Study of parasitic organisms.
  10. 16. Explains what happens, but not why.