Exploring Radiation

  1. 2. Gamma rays can be used as a _______ to accumulate in specific tissues or organs for diagnostic purposes.
  2. 7. Most common source of background radiation, a radioactive gas released from the ground.
  3. 10. Type of radiation that is part of the EM spectrum.
  4. 11. Process by which two nuclei fuse releasing energy.
  5. 12. Beta radiation can pass through paper but is absorbed by a few centimetres of _______
  6. 13. Absorbed dose is measured in _______.
  7. 16. Time taken for the activity of a radioactive source to half.
  8. 18. The type of atom is determined by of these in the nucleus.
  9. 19. You should always use these when handling radioactive sources.
  10. 20. Negatively-charged particles in an atom.
  11. 21. The total effect caused by exposure to radiation depends on the absorbed dose, type of ionising radiation and type of _______ exposed.
  12. 23. Activity is the number of radioactive nuclei that _______ per second.
  13. 24. The absorbed dose is energy absorbed per unit _______.
  14. 25. Common fuel for nuclear fission.
  15. 26. Process by which a nucleus splits into two pieces releasing energy.
  1. 1. Process by which the neutrons produced in fission go onto to cause further fission reactions, which create more neutrons, which cause more fission reactions and so on.
  2. 3. Famous nuclear disaster that occurred in Ukraine in 1986.
  3. 4. The Equivalent dose is the absorbed dose multiplied by the radiation _______ factor.
  4. 5. Alpha particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons - a _______ nuclei.
  5. 6. Increases the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor.
  6. 8. Nuclear fusion requires the hydrogen fuel to be heated to such a high temperature it becomes _______.
  7. 9. Decrease the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor.
  8. 14. Radiation that comes from natural and artificial sources and surrounds us at all times.
  9. 15. Radiation can ionise living tissue which can lead to _______.
  10. 17. Radiation causes photographic film to _______.
  11. 22. The process whereby an atom gains or loses electrons.