Exploring World Languages Greetings

  1. 7. Very good.
  2. 8. Fine.
  3. 10. Okay.
  4. 11. How to ask someone their name.
  5. 15. Nice to meet you.
  6. 17. How to ask someone their name if they are older than you.
  7. 18. And you?
  8. 19. Good morning.
  9. 20. One plus two.
  10. 22. See you later.
  11. 23. One word you use to end a conversation.
  12. 24. See you tomorrow.
  1. 1. Good evening.
  2. 2. Please.
  3. 3. Cinco más (plus) cinco.
  4. 4. Five.
  5. 5. What you say after someone says "Mucho gusto".
  6. 6. Ask your principal how he is.
  7. 9. What's up?
  8. 12. One
  9. 13. Tired.
  10. 14. The word you use to start a conversation.
  11. 16. Ask your friend how they are.
  12. 21. Good afternoon.