Exposure Technique Selection

  1. 4. The exposure factor which does not change in a technique chart
  2. 5. A type of anatomy radiographically similar to other anatomy in a different location
  3. 8. A physical tool used to measure tissue thickness
  4. 9. Something ingested or injected which increases or decreases attenuation
  5. 11. A tube used to convert light into electrical energy
  6. 12. The exposure factor which changes in a technique chart
  7. 15. The shortest possible exposure time with AEC
  1. 1. Unique to each equipment and gives recommended kVp and mAs values
  2. 2. Another name for the AEC cells
  3. 3. This type of programmed technique automatically chooses values for the part of interest
  4. 6. The abbreviation for the system which turns off the exposure based on measured radiation
  5. 7. Gives the value of mAs used after exposure with AEC
  6. 10. A type of control which adjusts the exposure needed to terminate the AEC
  7. 11. The older style of AEC devices
  8. 13. The device used to measure exposure in modern day AEC systems
  9. 14. The maximum amount of time the AEC will expose the patient