Extra Credit Assignment.

  1. 2. Has a swirly passageway inside of it
  2. 8. Just a dot in an organelle
  3. 10. Blood. Something related to blood. A system!
  4. 12. A cell with no chloroplast
  5. 14. A transport system
  6. 17. Basically kind of a system of organic USB wires that connect to your brain
  7. 18. A wall of a plant cell
  8. 20. Breathe in and Breathe out, what system if responsible to it?
  1. 1. what fills a cell?
  2. 3. A organ in a cell
  3. 4. Where does your food go through?
  4. 5. Does photosynthesis
  5. 6. A wall but very squishy (A cell organelle)
  6. 7. Starts with an 'O' and you are made up of it
  7. 9. A cell with chloroplasts
  8. 11. Has organelles in each one
  9. 13. a clump of cells?
  10. 15. Makes you move.
  11. 16. It has dots in it, it's an organelle
  12. 17. The big boss of a cell
  13. 19. System Has many specific organs