- 5. drama suspense mystery sci fi
- 6. Person we read News ELA article about
- 9. persuade, inform or ________
- 11. what is happening in the story
- 13. What kind of poetry are we studying?
- 15. this crossword is ________
- 17. Ultimate goal of your high school career
- 18. theme park in Arlington
- 1. State that has a bear in the flag
- 2. the reason an author writes is author's _____
- 3. the message of a story or article
- 4. I want to read _______ everyday.
- 7. what you have been seeing on your AC/PC lately
- 8. the villain of a story
- 10. Your teachers last name
- 12. it gets sharper the more you use it.
- 14. Major test we are taking next week
- 16. Your poem needs to be about your _____