Extra Credit Semester 1

  1. 3. words that mimic certain sounds
  2. 4. when readers imagine the 5 senses
  3. 11. poetic language, not literal
  4. 14. third person where narrator reads all minds
  5. 16. when 1 object is described like a person
  6. 17. third person where narrator reads zero minds
  7. 19. major ideas that apply to all people in the story
  8. 20. the narrator puts YOU in the story
  1. 1. the main character in the story
  2. 2. when you over exaggerate for extra drama
  3. 5. comparing 2 unlike things using like/as
  4. 6. "I, me, my, we" are all clues
  5. 7. the part of the plot with characters/setting
  6. 8. third person where narrator reads 1 mind
  7. 9. comparing 2 unlike things without using like/as
  8. 10. where the problem is in the story
  9. 12. where the story ends
  10. 13. when the beginning sound is repeated
  11. 15. when the vowel sound is repeated
  12. 18. the turning point in the story