Extra Credit Vocabulary Crossword

  1. 4. Essential
  2. 7. Decisions made before knowledge
  3. 8. To intentionally or accidentally exclude someone or something
  4. 9. The opposite of filthy
  5. 12. Ridiculous
  6. 14. The day after tomorrow
  7. 16. Hard-working, determined
  8. 18. Multiple disciplines working together
  9. 20. A leisurely search
  10. 22. To make changes in order to comfort someone
  11. 24. A personal view
  12. 25. An act of cleanliness
  13. 27. Thoughts or ideas about teachings
  14. 28. Opposite of calm
  15. 31. Losing condition or value
  16. 32. To judge verbally
  17. 35. Opposite of plentiful
  18. 36. Musical categories
  19. 37. To copy another's work
  20. 38. After, following sequence
  21. 40. Expression of sadness or disappointment
  1. 1. Requiring a difficult decision
  2. 2. Brightly colored and overly decorated
  3. 3. Showing great wealth
  4. 5. Having a great abundance
  5. 6. Predicting disasters events
  6. 10. Wasteful spending
  7. 11. To hate deeply
  8. 13. To blend or combine
  9. 15. Talkative
  10. 17. To rid of
  11. 19. Destructive
  12. 21. Weirdly odd
  13. 23. A select group that makes decisions
  14. 26. Lacking integrity
  15. 29. Opposite of thin and lanky
  16. 30. Showing deep concern
  17. 33. Lacking knowledge
  18. 34. Numerous
  19. 39. To strongly dislike someone or something