Extra Credit Vocabulary

  1. 3. The police dog found a ___ to help solve the mystery.
  2. 4. My mother _______ or scolds me when I do something wrong.
  3. 5. The _________ men got into a brawl at the bar last week.
  4. 7. My best friend is great at recalling images and information because she has ____________ ______.
  5. 10. The ___________ was finally caught for the crime he committed.
  6. 11. When the police have a suspect they have to ask him question or ___________ him to see if he really did the crime.
  7. 12. My sister is very good at _________ to make me annoyed.
  8. 15. I had to __________ the vocabulary I knew from the vocabulary I didn't know.
  9. 17. I received a _______ message from my friend that was very puzzling to decode.
  10. 18. The police force had a ______ in mind but had very little proof to prove that he did the crime.
  11. 19. The lawyer had ________ the suspect story to cast doubt upon their story.
  12. 20. My mother is very crabby or _________ when has yet to have her coffee.
  13. 21. The greatest authors are very good at being _______ when they give things away in their books.
  1. 1. Over time apes slowly had to _______ and change to become humans.
  2. 2. The nice and sympathetic doctor got hired over the _______ and heartless doctor.
  3. 6. When a plane experiences ___________ there is a commotion and you have to buckle up.
  4. 8. Detectives come up with ____________ theories on how a murder could have been committed.
  5. 9. The trash at a crime scene is so ____________ the police don't even count it as evidence.
  6. 13. Our prime suspect, Pete had an _____ on why he couldn't be at the crime scene.
  7. 14. the detective made a wild __________ making people believe Ron had committed a murder.
  8. 16. The ______ suffered many injuries and had to be rushed to the hospital so she couldn't identify the perpetrator.