Extreme Natural Events

  1. 3. The name of the national group whom become in charge when extreme natural events occur in New Zealand.
  2. 5. A group set up by a Canterbury University student to help shovel the silt and rubble away from residential areas.
  3. 7. The type of extreme natural event we have studied.
  4. 9. The name of the suburb where there were multiple rock falls.
  5. 12. The name of the building which claimed over 80 lives.
  6. 14. A type of infrastructure that was damaged and groups ended up having to share sites.
  7. 15. The current process of trying to get Christchurch City back on it's feet.
  8. 16. The name of the tectonic plate that the West Coast of the South Island sits on.
  9. 17. The name of the tectonic plate that the East Coast of the South Island sits on.
  1. 1. The name of the road which now has a kink in it.
  2. 2. The name of the cracks that appear in the ground due to earthquake damage.
  3. 4. The process that occurred bringing silt up to the surface
  4. 6. Shaking that occurs after the initial event and can continue to occur for weeks, months or years.
  5. 8. What is released when a fault line ruptures.
  6. 10. The location of the first Canterbury Earthquake
  7. 11. The month of the major Christchurch Earthquake
  8. 13. An alert went out for this type of extreme natural event that could have occurred as a result of the Earthquakes.