Extreme Natural Events

  1. 2. The types of currents that occur within the earth's mantle
  2. 3. When an extreme natural event threatens people and their property, it is considered a...
  3. 6. A massive one of these hit the Manawatu in 2004
  4. 8. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
  5. 11. Existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind
  6. 12. The name given to tropical cyclones in Asia
  7. 13. The organisation in NZ which is responsible for managing things during or straight after an extreme natural event has occurred
  8. 15. The most deadly extreme natural events occur in this region
  9. 16. The ocean where the catastrophic 2004 Tsunami originated
  10. 17. Things to do with production of goods or services and making money
  1. 1. The long term rebuilding that takes place after an extreme natural event has occurred
  2. 4. Things to do with people's personal lives, lifestyles, cultures, etc
  3. 5. Americans call tropical cyclones...
  4. 7. Large pieces of the earth's crust that are that are joined together like a giant jigsaw puzzle
  5. 9. A crack or weakness in rock caused by tectonic pressure
  6. 10. This region is less hazardous because its population is so low
  7. 12. Plates of the crust are
  8. 14. Earthquakes can cause these