Extreme Nature

  1. 2. During the storm ______ lit up the sky.
  2. 4. Near the river there was a big _____. The road was closed for three days.
  3. 6. I was walking outside in a ________. It was very cold, and the wind was very strong.
  4. 8. During the storm there was a loud clap of _______.
  5. 10. The ______ had weakened when it arrived on land, but it still destroyed many houses.
  1. 1. The weather had been very hot before the __________ started.
  2. 3. A _______ begins over land and moves very fast.
  3. 5. The _____ is one of nature's most powerful forces.
  4. 7. A long time outside in extremely bright ______ can burn human skin.
  5. 9. In colder climates a _______ can block the road.