  1. 2. It is a scenario where you can practice extreme sports like the flight cable
  2. 6. It is a safety element that is worn on the waist when we practice sports such as bungge jumpie
  3. 7. It is used to hold the body in extreme sports in water
  4. 9. Feature of extreme sports
  5. 12. Adjective that most regions, cities, etc. have. where extreme sports are practiced
  6. 14. to practice extreme sports without company you need.....
  7. 15. Needed in rafting to guide the boat
  1. 1. When a sport is very practiced or is very famous in some place, it is considered ......
  2. 3. Is what we feel when practicing an extreme sport
  3. 4. Extreme sport has a lot of these
  4. 5. Essential element for rafting
  5. 8. When practicing an extreme sport, we describe that experience as a.....
  6. 10. Freshwater place where extreme sports are practiced that require a lot of water current
  7. 11. Fundamental tool for practicing motocross
  8. 13. Place where sports such as surfing are practiced