  1. 3. there are sports with great risk, they are
  2. 6. physical activity that involves a set of rules or regulations
  3. 7. season of the year in which sports such as Snowboarding, Curling among others are developed
  4. 8. space where you can practice skydiving, paragliding among others
  5. 11. you feel it running through your veins
  6. 14. extraordinary event, especially one that is exciting, dangerous or involves some risk.
  7. 16. when it is at another level is
  1. 1. movement needed for the bonggie, launching from a high place
  2. 2. this sport is commonly developed in rivers
  3. 4. I remember what you have left after developing an extreme sport
  4. 5. sport in which you jump from a plane, plane, helicopter ... between 25 to 50 seconds of free fall
  5. 9. another way to call skydiving
  6. 10. necessary to develop different sports, it is an atmospheric phenomenon
  7. 12. sport on wheels, more common in young people and that one of the favorite surfaces to practice it are the ramps
  8. 13. He is part of the sports safety team and is something everyone has in common
  9. 15. necessary element to develop sports such as bonggie jomping, climbing among others