Extreme Weather and Natural Disasters

  1. 3. excessive rain causes water to cover large areas
  2. 5. a period of unusually hot weather
  3. 6. a violent tropical storm
  4. 9. very strong wind
  5. 13. a bright light in the sky during a storm
  6. 14. a volcano does this
  7. 15. when water becomes a gas
  1. 1. another name for a violent tropical storm
  2. 2. an extremely large wave that causes damage
  3. 4. very bad weather with lots or rain, wind etc.
  4. 7. a sudden violent movement of the earth
  5. 8. a long period without rain
  6. 10. a large amount of rocks and earth that falls
  7. 11. the loud noise that comes during a storm
  8. 12. a very bad snow storm