Extreme Weather Crossword

  1. 3. A heavy downpour of water, often with thunder and lightning.
  2. 4. Ana A very hot and dry wind that can cause wildfires
  3. 5. Freeze A long period of below-freezing temperatures and icy conditions.
  4. 8. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground.
  5. 11. A swirling cloud that reaches down from the sky, with strong winds.
  6. 12. A severe winter storm with strong winds and low visibility.
  7. 14. A swirling mass of clouds and thunderstorms, often with high winds.
  8. 15. White, fluffy, and falls from the sky in winter.
  1. 1. A sudden discharge of electricity accompanied by a bright flash.
  2. 2. A Swirling mass of warm ocean water and thunderstorms.
  3. 6. A Storm with strong winds and heavy rain that happens over the ocean.
  4. 7. A wall of dust and sand carried by the wind.
  5. 9. A massive rotating storm that can cause destruction.
  6. 10. A phenomenon where a river overflows onto normally dry land.
  7. 13. Storm A storm with cold temperatures, freezing rain, and sleet.