Extremely hard

  1. 2. 70000+6543
  2. 4. 10000-27649
  3. 5. 95000+387
  4. 7. 5000000+700000+60000+8000+300+20+9
  5. 9. 200+238
  6. 11. All six digits are the same
  7. 14. 8000-188
  8. 16. 70000-4568
  9. 17. Six million nine hundred eighty four thousand six hundred twenty three
  1. 1. Count to five then countdown two numbers
  2. 3. 300000+40000+2000+100+50+6
  3. 4. 3000+978
  4. 5. ninety seven thousand nine hundred seventy nine
  5. 6. 8000000+700000+60000+5000+400+30+9
  6. 8. 50000000-41012322
  7. 10. 60000-3435
  8. 12. All four digits are the same
  9. 13. 80000+7000+600+50+4
  10. 14. 70000+8654
  11. 15. 10000+2000+300+80+7