EY Technology Review

  1. 2. Sometimes called a web or internet browser, a browser is a software program used to navigate the world wide web.
  2. 7. Talk To You Later
  3. 10. A company that connect people/homes/networks to the internet. Our ISP is Comcast.
  4. 12. apples version of a word processor
  5. 13. Laugh out loud
  6. 14. Not right now
  7. 15. apples version of presentation software
  8. 16. The connection of the billions of devices, computers, websites, and networks connected together (with wires, signals, satellites etc) sharing information and communicating.
  9. 19. most common spreadsheet software there is. Owned by Microsoft.
  10. 20. Microsoft cloud service
  11. 24. Often called a PDF.A versital file type readable by almost all hardware/software/operating systems.  A very useful way to lock and share files.
  12. 25. Googles Cloud service
  13. 26. googles version of presentation software
  14. 27. Your wireless connection to a network that hopefully is connected to the internet.
  15. 29. one of the big 3 companies known for androids, search engines, gmail
  16. 30. googles version of spreadsheet software
  17. 31. An awesome technology teach
  18. 32. A popular company with a variety of useful software that tend to specialize in multimedia and other creativity packages
  19. 35. Hit Me Up
  20. 36. collection of pages (more then 1) grouped together and published together. Often they have a theme to them. We spoke of the Boulder Boulder site having a registration page, map page, photo page, parking page etc...
  21. 37. when you verify somebody or something is who/what they say they are
  22. 39. Rolling on the floor laughing
  23. 40. A devices that converts your data/requests into transferable packets the be sent/received across the internet. Your connection to the ISP whom connects you to the internet
  1. 1. A bookmark, sometimes called a “favorite,” saves a web page’s address. Allows you to access your favorites without typing…
  2. 3. If you are connected to the internet.
  3. 4. big 3 company known for iphones, ipads, graphics, macs, music
  4. 5. big 3 companies known for productivity software Office, PCs, etc
  5. 6. a single page/document containing information posted on the internet for people to see/use
  6. 8. Thank goodness it's Friday
  7. 9. googles version of a word processor
  8. 11. IOT… what the internet has become now that everything we have is pretty much monitoring, connected, and communicating on a network… fridgerator, car, phone, printer, AC, … The dryer telling date the laundry was done.
  9. 12. Microsofts version of presentation software
  10. 13. Let Me Know
  11. 17. When you use more then on form of information to verify/authenticate.  Commonly something you 'know' (like password, phrase, dob) and something you 'have" that is physical like an ID badge, finger print, eye scan etc.
  12. 18. apples version of spreadsheet software
  13. 21. When you shut off your wireless signal to the internet. You can still use your device it just only has access to information stored on it.
  14. 22. microsofts version of a word processor software
  15. 23. The interconnection of information on webpages (and now websites) linked together through the internet. The WWW or "web" is often incorrectly used by people when they mean internet. The Web is not the internet but rather a part of the internet.
  16. 28. Be Right back
  17. 33. 2 or more computers/devices connected together (wired or wireless) sharing information. Think of all the devices in our house connected together.
  18. 34. Plan Do Check Act
  19. 38. If you are not connected to the internet