World War One Test Review

  1. 1. Which allied power did not join the League of Nations?
  2. 7. This was the name of Germany's plan (which failed) to win world war one. It was created in 1904.
  3. 10. The space between two opposing trenches.
  4. 15. A nickname for world war one. (Begins with "the w").
  5. 16. This type of media was used heavily in world war one and encouraged people to join the military, join the war effort, etc.
  6. 17. During the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the United States, Great Britain, Italy, and France were know as the _________.(Begins with the letter "b").
  7. 18. The Treaty of Versailles was signed on this day.
  8. 19. Acronym used to explain how world war one occurred.
  1. 1. Trenches in world war one were ______.
  2. 2. America refused to _____ the Treaty of Versailles.
  3. 3. This weapon was first used in world war one. It was big, slow, and first unleashed in 1916.
  4. 4. Germany said that it would support Austri-Hungary regardless of its choice. This was know as a ____. (Starts with "bla").
  5. 5. The name of a famous battle in France that occurred all throughout 1916.
  6. 6. Famous American soldier who captured 132 Germans during the Meuse-Argonne offensive.
  7. 8. This country was created after world war one and begins with the letter "P".
  8. 9. This was a popular weapons for the Germans. It was extremely effective against infantry but could be thwarted with a mask.
  9. 11. America joined world war one and declared war on Germany on this day (write the date like: "MonthDayYear).
  10. 12. The war lasted for _____.
  11. 13. It was estimated that _______ casualties occurred due to world war one. (Begins with a 4).
  12. 14. A member of the Serbian terrorist group know as the "Black Hand" who was responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.