F23 Forensic Crossword Puzzle #1

  1. 3. The scientist who combined psychology and science; psycho analysis, forensic photography
  2. 5. The changing, moving, replacing, or damaging of an evidence from/at the crime scene after the crime is committed
  3. 7. Known as the Father of Toxicology; examined chemicals/poisons that could have been involved in the case, toxicology report
  4. 9. Anything at a crime scene that can help reveal what happened or who was involved
  5. 10. A surgical procedure done on the dead bodies to identify the potential cause of death/injuries
  6. 13. The scientist known for terming the phrase “Every contact leaves a trace”; one of the most famous forensic scientist of all time
  7. 15. Two compound light microscopes used to view to bullets side by side for matches
  8. 18. The scientist that first used the A,B,O blood protein system to analyze blood as evidence
  9. 19. The sectioning off/securing of the crime scene to prevent cross contamination and tampering of evidence
  10. 20. Evidence that can connect a person to the crime or the crime scene but cannot prove they committed the actual crime
  11. 21. A person that witness the crime or was present nearby the crime scene
  12. 22. The scientist that developed document examination: forgery, fake documents/contracts, fake letters/suicide letters, etc
  13. 23. The scientist that came up with the most successful system for identifying/classifying fingerprints: Loops, Arches, Whorls
  1. 1. The study of firearms and explosives: guns, cartridges, bullets, casings, bombs
  2. 2. The 2nd step when arriving at the crime scene; photographing evidence, measuring, sketching, use of evidence markers
  3. 4. Evidence that links/points to the person committing the crime; video recording or eye witness
  4. 6. The scientist that created the study of Ballistics: firearms and explosives, created the Comparison Microscope for analyzing two different bullet markings
  5. 8. Used during the process of cordoning to seal off or protect the crime scene
  6. 11. Consists of a frontal pic of the face and two profile pics of a suspect’s left and right side of the face; invented by Bertillon
  7. 12. The addition of evidence to the crime scene after the crime has occurred
  8. 14. The scientist that incorporated the microscope to analyze evidence: hair, fibers, soil, dirt, etc.
  9. 16. A test done to find potential chemicals in the body of a deceased victim that could be responsible for/contributed to the death of the victim: blood test, urine test, etc
  10. 17. A form filled out by the agent in charge of the CSI team at a crime scene; this form goes on the Evidence Box or Bag and holds the person in charge for the contents inside