
  1. 6. _______ ___ is the safest Facebook option
  2. 7. you will receive a _____ when one of your friends has posted something
  3. 10. There are ______ types of groups
  4. 13. Unfriend people in the ___________
  5. 14. the Facebook app
  6. 16. someone can leave a _____ post
  7. 19. Who created Facebook
  8. 21. If you loose your account you can use the _________ account Feature
  9. 22. recommended setting for who can send friend requests
  10. 24. A _________ is required before deactivating your account
  11. 25. Sharing ______ is not the best idea
  12. 27. You can use the __________ to share things with friends
  13. 28. Use the _______ to create a Facebook page
  14. 29. ________ everything you don't want to see in your news feed
  1. 1. ________ ______ allows you to communicate with friends privately
  2. 2. Enter your _________ into the search bar
  3. 3. deactivate your account by going to?
  4. 4. To create a list select _______ from the Friends menu
  5. 5. what is Facebook
  6. 8. to share a list with friends use the _______ _________
  7. 9. where can you find trending stories
  8. 11. If you don't have a smartphone you can use ________ _______ to text people
  9. 12. Notify friends about events in a ________
  10. 15. You can find the _____ ____ in the bottom right corner of the screen
  11. 17. Facebook is all about sharing with _______
  12. 18. What is the latest Facebook addition(not included on GCF)
  13. 19. Sharing things on Facebook is ______ than Email or instant message
  14. 20. You can also change your settings on the _______ version
  15. 23. Many _________ use Facebook pages
  16. 26. What does your news feed show