Factors for recurrent falls

  1. 4. Cranial nerve 2
  2. 7. Simultaneous use of multiple medication
  3. 8. Common endocrine disease
  4. 9. Obstacles at home that could trip a person up
  5. 10. Demineralisation of osteoid matrix
  6. 14. Controlled by cerebellum
  7. 15. Uncertainty about what is happening
  8. 17. The ability to do this is contained in hardest part of skull
  9. 19. Seated BP 130/70, standing BP 90/70 is an example of
  1. 1. The ability of movement
  2. 2. Fainting
  3. 3. Feeling of dizziness/ unsteadiness
  4. 5. Lack of strength
  5. 6. Person's manner of walking
  6. 11. Colourless volatile liquid
  7. 12. Atherosclerosis in the brain's vasculature
  8. 13. Substantia nigra
  9. 16. Type of incontinence
  10. 18. LOSS and LESS are mneumonics for these diseases