Facts about Elements

  1. 1. Is made up of the elements sodium and chlorine
  2. 3. All known elements are arranged on a table called?
  3. 6. Number of proton and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
  4. 7. Numbers in chemical formula that relative amounts of the element in a compound
  5. 11. Chemists use one or ? letters to represent an element
  6. 12. There are 90 elements on the periodic table that occur in ? and the others are stickily man-made
  7. 14. Who discovered that an atom is mostly empty space
  8. 16. Neutral particles have no ? charge
  9. 18. Chemical is a ? way of writing the name of an element
  10. 19. Vertical column of elements in the periodic table
  1. 1. Know of 117 different elements
  2. 2. Most elements of the periodic table are ?
  3. 4. Use symbols to represent elements
  4. 5. The element ? is made up of atoms containing a single proton and a single electron
  5. 8. Elements are substances that cannot be......into simpler substances
  6. 9. Features that describe objects
  7. 10. The rows of the periodic table are called ?
  8. 13. delton What was the name of the first person to suggest the idea of an atom
  9. 15. An element is a substance that is made entirely from one type of ....
  10. 17. Substance made up of two or more elements that are chemically combined