Facts About Space

  1. 2. In the late evening shadows point toward the ____.
  2. 5. Shadows are _____ in the winter than the summer.
  3. 6. When the Southern Hemisphere has summer, the Northern Hemisphere has ______.
  4. 8. Earth's gravity pulls toward the _____ of the Earth.
  5. 9. The Earth stays in orbit around the Sun because of the Suns' ______ gravitational pull.
  6. 11. Every object has its own _____.
  7. 14. The Sun only projects light onto one ____ of the Earth at a time.
  8. 15. The third phase of the Moon.
  9. 17. Scientists think that a big object ______ with Earth a long time ago.
  10. 19. How long it takes the Earth to rotate on its axis one time.
  11. 20. The sun is a _____ sized star.
  1. 1. In the morning shadows point toward the ______.
  2. 3. Shadows are _____ in the summer than the winter.
  3. 4. What causes shadows?
  4. 6. The sixth phase of the Moon.
  5. 7. Groton-Dunstable's mascot.
  6. 10. Earth's _____ causes seasons.
  7. 12. The seventh phase of the Moon.
  8. 13. ____ stars are the hottest.
  9. 15. The fifth phase of the Moon.
  10. 16. ____ stars are the coolest.
  11. 18. It takes the Moon about _____ to complete its full cycle.
  12. 19. Earth's axis is tilted at a _____ ° angle.