Facts about the Earth, Sun, and Moon

  1. 3. The first man to walk on the Moon
  2. 5. The only planet known to have life
  3. 6. The Moon uses this to affect the tides of the ocean
  4. 8. The Earth, Sun, and Moon live here
  5. 12. Our Sun is this kind of star
  6. 13. This does not exist on the Moon
  7. 14. Transmits data to Earth
  1. 1. The moon does this around the Earth every 29 days
  2. 2. Occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth
  3. 4. The moon has 1/6th of this compared to the Earth
  4. 7. Occurs when Earth is between the Sun and Moon
  5. 8. The sun is one of these
  6. 9. The center of the solar system
  7. 10. Earth is the _______ planet from the Sun
  8. 11. Our solar system is found in this part of the universe