- 2. Another book you could read
- 5. What is the US measure of temperature
- 8. What kind of bird was the Omnis put in
- 11. What did the firemen burn
- 13. What was the name of the fireman that helped
- 15. What was used to wipe out memories
- 17. What started the book burning
- 18. What was the captains name
- 20. Name of the informer
- 1. What was the internet called
- 3. Who started the first firemen
- 4. What did they call the rebels
- 6. What did Montag steal
- 7. Name of book people could read
- 9. With no books there will be
- 10. what did they call books
- 12. Where did the bird fly
- 14. What was the Omnis going to be put in
- 16. What was the name of the thing that stored books
- 19. Name of the author that wrote Fahrenheit 451