- 1. clarisses uncle got arrested for being
- 5. What Mildred overdosed on
- 6. Teaches montag everyone needs to leave their mark of the world
- 9. Were illegal but Montag fell in love with them
- 13. The person who started Montags questioning of his happiness
- 14. The author of Fahrenheit 451
- 16. where montag met mildred
- 17. Mildred considered those on TV
- 20. the book of the bible montag has memorized
- 23. Montag hid a book under his ____
- 25. Montags wife
- 26. what mildred and her friends watched on TV
- 1. architects stopped putting these on houses
- 2. fabers old job was being a
- 3. How the firemen disposed of books
- 4. The tool the firemen used to make fire
- 7. The protagonist of Fahrenheit 451
- 8. The book montag reads to mildred and her friends
- 10. The name for headphones of earbuds
- 11. Used in flamethrowers, flamable liquid
- 12. Who helped Montag with his love for books
- 15. To burn books have to be at 451 degrees ____
- 18. The people that burned books
- 19. The fire captain
- 21. montag tried to fill one with sand as a child
- 22. One of the Firemen's tools was the mechanical ___
- 24. Montag jumps into this to escape the mechanical hound