- 1. the figurative language montag has never heard of
- 4. someone who burns books for their job
- 6. the governments attack mechanisms.
- 9. what people us to listen to music, tv, etc.
- 10. the temperature which paper burns
- 11. what is banned in this society?
- 15. has a data base full of people
- 18. the country Montag is said to live in
- 19. something that people don't obtain
- 21. Where Montag hides the stolen books
- 2. the horrific event that takes place to Mildred.
- 3. what is used to burn books?
- 5. the liquid fiefighters us to put on books.
- 7. the amount of time you have to return a book.
- 8. the first mention of free thought
- 12. an instrument Captain Beatty refers too
- 13. what is seen as; bad by schools
- 14. Montags partner in the book
- 16. Montags employer
- 17. a religous text that was burned
- 20. the main character of the book