Fahrenheit 451

  1. 4. this is what people are for ignoring books
  2. 6. Montag experiences this; it drives the plot
  3. 9. expert at tracing your scent'
  4. 10. has two children that she hates
  5. 11. met Montag in the park
  6. 13. she's seventeen and crazy
  7. 14. he's the captain of burning books
  1. 1. these hold the key to a successful civilization
  2. 2. Mildred takes too many of these
  3. 3. this is what books contain
  4. 5. a book burner turned book learner
  5. 7. distracts people from the real world
  6. 8. keeps books in his mind and then burns them
  7. 10. has been married three times
  8. 12. she loves the family