Fahrenheit 451,1984, and Brave New World

  1. 4. Small communications device used by Montag & Faber
  2. 5. Winston's main fear
  3. 9. He brought John The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
  4. 10. He realized that, like Bernard, he was an individual
  5. 12. John compared Lenina to her
  6. 14. Newspeak has no word for this concept
  7. 15. Responsible for war related events
  8. 16. World State's motto: ____, Identity, Stability
  9. 17. Ministry of Plenty in Newspeak
  10. 20. Head of the Party
  11. 23. Two Minutes ____
  12. 24. Winston's girlfriend
  13. 26. Place Montag first hid his books
  14. 29. Not allowed to have____
  15. 31. Lenina decided Bernard was ____
  16. 32. People who told fireman who had books
  17. 36. Ministry of Love in Newspeak
  18. 38. Montag hid his books there after the ladies left.
  19. 39. Which person died from an overdose of soma
  20. 41. Montag's path to safety
  21. 42. Director of Hatcheries and ____
  22. 43. April 4, 1984 is the day Winston starts his ___
  23. 44. What are the three other castes
  24. 45. John ____ himself
  25. 46. Wife; informer; attempted suicide
  26. 47. Not allowed by the Party
  27. 50. Ministry of Peace in Newspeak
  28. 51. Runs the antique shop
  29. 53. Rising from the ashes
  30. 54. Captain of the firemen
  31. 55. Freedom is ___
  1. 1. They burned books & started fires
  2. 2. Winston's wife; fair-haired and graceful
  3. 3. Transportation
  4. 6. St. ____;Faber's destination
  5. 7. He taught John how to work clay & make a bow
  6. 8. Where Montag went after fleeing Faber's house
  7. 9. Responsible for economic affairs
  8. 11. Throughout Brave New World, the citizens of the World State substitute the name of
  9. 13. Was considered something pleasant in the new world
  10. 14. ____ Service is a religious type service where people take soma
  11. 18. Place where Bernard was sent with the most interesting people in the world
  12. 19. They do not need books to perform their social functions
  13. 21. Police entity that arrests anyone who might be against the party
  14. 22. Place where Linda and John lived
  15. 25. Went with Bernard to see the Savage Reservation
  16. 27. Mildred's pastime; huge television
  17. 28. Mechanical ___; chased criminals
  18. 30. It smelled like perfume to Montag
  19. 33. Language that is gradually being replaced
  20. 34. Girl who is responsible for montag's change
  21. 35. What are the two top castes
  22. 36. Ministry of Truth in Newspeak
  23. 37. Setting of the novel
  24. 40. Enemy of the People
  25. 48. Leader of the hobo intellectual
  26. 49. Children were given these when visiting the hospital for the dying
  27. 50. Mildred's Husband
  28. 52. He helped Montag understand a book
  29. 55. Stress-relieving drug