- 1. Montag hid his books there after the ladies left.
- 3. Mechanical ___; chased criminals
- 5. Not allowed to have____
- 7. Place Montag first hid his books
- 8. Girl who is responsible for montag's change
- 9. Mildred's Husband
- 10. It smelled like perfume to Montag
- 12. Wife; informer; attempted suicide
- 14. Leader of the hobo intellectual
- 15. Where Montag went after fleeing Faber's house
- 2. Small communications device used by Montag & Faber
- 4. They burned books & started fires
- 5. Captain of the firemen
- 6. Mildred's pastime; huge television
- 11. Transportation
- 13. He helped Montag understand a book