- 2. Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451.
- 6. What do "firemen" use to burn books?
- 8. you happy/ What question troubles Guy montag the most?
- 9. Ventilator/ Which area did Guy Montag choose to hide his books?
- 13. What was ms. phelps reaction towards the poem?, What did she do?
- 14. What is the official symbol used by fireman?.
- 15. What type of society is present in Fahrenheit 451?
- 16. One of Montag's mentor. He is also an ex-professor
- 18. Crash/ How did clarisse die?
- 19. pills/ What substance was used during mildreds overdose?
- 1. Beach/ Which poem did Guy Montag read to Mildred and her freinds
- 3. Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him
- 4. Guy Montag's Captain
- 5. Hound/ A Computerized Dog
- 7. Guy Montag's Wife
- 10. Books/ The purpose of firemen
- 11. What is the main purpose of clarisse, what did her character Promote?
- 12. What is the theme concerning the banning of books?
- 17. what is banned in order to protect society from dangerous thoughts?.
- 20. Montag/ The main character's name