Fahrenheit 451

  1. 6. one of the books the women loved
  2. 7. What the fireman do to books
  3. 9. Montag risked everything for these
  4. 10. It chased Montag
  5. 11. What montag heard in the vacuum-underground(2 words)
  6. 17. What Mildred loved
  7. 18. It was etched on Montag's igniter
  1. 1. Clarisse's age
  2. 2. where Montag escapes from the Hound
  3. 3. Word Mildred use to refer to people who watch TV
  4. 4. Montag and Faber used this as an antiseptic
  5. 5. Factory that Granger will build
  6. 6. Montag's inspiration (2 words)
  7. 8. Book Montag tries to read on the train
  8. 12. Montag's book to memorize
  9. 13. Name of future headphones
  10. 14. Author's last name
  11. 15. Montag's boss
  12. 16. He helped Montag