
  1. 3. The tiniest fairy, the size of a thumb
  2. 5. Irish mythological creature who can be found with a pot of gold
  3. 6. Bound to serve Prospero in Shakespeare’s The Tempest
  4. 7. The third fairy who raised Aurora: Flora, Fauna, and …
  5. 9. Also known as Robin Goodfellow in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer’s Night Dream
  6. 10. True Blood character who learns she is part fairy
  7. 11. Magical phrase that turns Cinderella into a princess
  8. 12. Gives children money to replace their lost tooth
  1. 1. The evil fairy from Sleeping Beauty
  2. 2. Peter Pan’s little green sidekick
  3. 4. Makes an appearance in The Nutcracker
  4. 8. Timmy Turner’s Fairy Godparents
  5. 9. Turned into a real boy by the Blue Fairy