Fairy Tales

  1. 5. what the girl takes her grandmother in "The Werewolf"
  2. 7. one of the things Hansel & Gretel steal from the witch after she's dead
  3. 8. what the werewolf's paw turned into when the girl arrived at her grandmother's house
  4. 11. the helper character in Hansel & Gretel
  5. 13. what night do the Devil and witches sit up eating corpses together in graveyards?
  6. 14. what kind of being does the grandmother seem to be?
  7. 16. animal that send Little Red Riding Hood off the path
  8. 18. where Hansel was locked away by the witch
  9. 19. what was put into the wolf's belly after the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood were saved
  10. 21. what Hansel uses to mark the path home the second time
  11. 22. the first person the wolf eats in Little Red Riding Hood
  1. 1. material Little Red Riding Hood's hat is made of
  2. 2. what the roof of the witch's house is made of
  3. 3. the Devil is mentioned early in "The Werewolf"; what literary device does the mention of the Devil serve?
  4. 4. the helper figure in Little Red Riding Hood
  5. 6. the father's profession
  6. 7. first meal the witch gave Hansel & Gretel
  7. 9. what the windows of the witch's house is made of
  8. 10. what Hansel collects to mark their way home the first time
  9. 12. material the oven for cooking Hansel (and which ends up killing the witch) is made of
  10. 15. what the girl cut off the werewolf when it tried to attack her
  11. 17. what causes the mother and father to abandon Hansel & Gretel
  12. 20. what Little Red Riding Hood takes to her sickly grandmother
  13. 21. animal that led Hansel & Gretel to the witch's house