Faith Sides with God

  1. 2. Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego were taken captive to _____.
  2. 3. Nebuchadnezzar commanded everyone to bow to his statue when they heard _____.
  3. 6. The three men did not even smell of ____ when they came out of the fire.
  4. 7. The three men were not _____ to choose to obey God.
  5. 9. _____ people did not bow to worship the statue.
  6. 10. The fourth man in the fire was like the ___ _ ___.
  1. 1. The _____ who put the three men in the furnace died because of the heat.
  2. 4. The king saw _____ men in the fire.
  3. 5. The three men told the king their God had the power to _____ them.
  4. 8. The king had the fire heated _____ times hotter than normal.
  5. 11. The king's image was made of ____.