- 2. a system of spending, taxing, providing aid in the federal system
- 4. states had the right to separate themselves from the union
- 6. states that states had to nullify national laws
- 8. powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution but belong to the states
- 11. evolved releasing national funds in the form grants to the state and local communities
- 14. a power held by the national and state governments at the same time
- 15. money and resources from the national government to state for local activities
- 17. both state and national government have equal authority operating within there own areas
- 18. powers granted to the national government
- 1. reversing the trend by returning authority to the state governments
- 3. the idea of returning power to the state
- 5. federalism under the New Plan that national government was responsible for the social and economical welfare
- 7. demanding the states to perform certain policies in return for recieving grant money
- 9. requires that all states give official records to other states if requested
- 10. money given to the state for specific uses
- 12. powers historically known to be naturally belonging to all governments
- 13. power granted to the national government not listed in the constitution
- 16. federal grants given to the state for welfare, public health, community development and education