- 3. A yellow vegetable from a tall plant.
- 5. The second month in autumn.
- 8. Red fruit.
- 10. A fall color.
- 11. Big orange vegetable that grows on a vine
- 13. Someone who harvests crops.
- 14. A fall color.
- 15. The opposite of city.
- 17. These turn color in fall.
- 18. Mildly windy.
- 1. It protects the crops from birds.
- 2. Many birds do this in autumn.
- 4. A fall color.
- 6. Another word for autumn.
- 7. The food that the farmer grows.
- 9. The first month of autumn.
- 12. The last full month in autumn.
- 15. Fall weather.
- 16. Gather all of the crops.