
  1. 1. A nut that grows into an oak tree
  2. 4. A candy most commonly eaten during Fall
  3. 7. A human shaped object meant to frighten birds
  4. 10. Gathering crops
  5. 11. Fungi that grow in Fall
  6. 13. An orange crop that grows during Fall
  7. 14. The first Fall month
  8. 15. Starts in September and ends in June
  1. 2. A yellow Fall crop
  2. 3. A bird that says "Gobble gobble"
  3. 5. A Fall month that has Thanksgiving
  4. 6. Things that fall from trees
  5. 8. The season after summer
  6. 9. A Fall month beginning with "O"
  7. 12. A fruit that grows on trees during the Fall season