Fall 2007 Anime Season

  1. 2. 'The Garden of ___', known as 'Kara no Kyokai' in Japanese.
  2. 5. A demon detective starring in a mystery anime this season.
  3. 6. The characters in 'Bamboo Blade' take part in this Japanese sport.
  4. 7. The anime studio producing the newer Evangelion movies.
  5. 8. Mute shogi-playing protagonist whose parents were murdered.
  6. 10. Anime adapted from Key visual novel this season.
  7. 11. Anime based off of Korean MMORPG.
  1. 1. Comedy anime starring three sisters.
  2. 3. Magical girl manga written by Peach Pit and adapted into an anime this season.
  3. 4. Anime about a character who can see cute microscopic organisms.
  4. 9. Protagonist of this gambling anime who always figures out a way to defeat impossible odds.