Fall 2020 Midterm Vocabulary

  1. 2. an item that is kept as a reminder; a souvenir
  2. 6. ungratefulness; a lack of gratitude or lack of thankfulness
  3. 10. to make a judgment or statement about something
  4. 12. very wise; or a very wise person
  5. 15. to make someone very angry; enrage
  6. 16. to brag
  7. 18. a line of people or vehicles waiting their turn
  8. 19. profession or career; a strong desire or calling to pursue a particular kind of career
  9. 20. to cancel, deactivate, or take something away
  10. 21. a serious promise or pledge
  11. 22. to satisfy or calm a feeling (like thirst, hunger, or curiosity)
  12. 23. to limit or control the size, amount, or range of something
  13. 25. enthusiastic applause
  14. 27. to fall over or make something fall over
  15. 28. to give a reason or incentive for something; to make someone want to do something
  16. 29. to stop someone from getting somewhere; to temporarily block someone's progress
  17. 30. conflict; bitter disagreement
  18. 32. a daydream; the state of being lost in thought
  19. 33. certain to die eventually
  20. 34. a false idea; something that is different from how it seems
  21. 35. a person who is against war and violence
  22. 38. to ruin or destroy something completely
  1. 1. unimportant or not very serious; or treating someone harshly because of something that is not important
  2. 3. A difficult, sad, or dangerous situation; a struggle
  3. 4. a very large amount of something (such as firing of a weapon) that comes quickly and continuously
  4. 5. a mystery; something that can't be explained
  5. 7. physical features of the land
  6. 8. to officially choose (someone or something) to do something; to officially give (someone or something) a particular role or purpose
  7. 9. worldwide, widespread
  8. 11. difficult to find, catch, or achieve
  9. 12. to look over something quickly but carefully, usually looking for something specific
  10. 13. to dry up, wilt, or shrivel
  11. 14. variety; having lots of different types of things or people
  12. 16. to create something; to bring something into existence that didn't exist before
  13. 17. an intolerant, prejudiced, or narrow-minded person
  14. 24. to express regret for doing something wrong
  15. 26. to harm someone's reputation; to make someone or something seem dishonest or untrue
  16. 31. to worship or greatly admire someone or something
  17. 36. to find someone not guilty (innocent) of a fault or crime
  18. 37. a string of wire, hair, etc.; OR to leave someone in a hopeless situation