  1. 1. orange and round
  2. 3. lands on oct. 3ist
  3. 7. oak tree's fruit
  4. 9. fall dessert
  5. 10. Feast Day
  6. 13. place to get scared
  7. 15. scariest month
  8. 16. 3 letter phrase
  9. 18. given to you when trick-or-treating
  10. 19. Thanksgiving bird
  1. 2. the 11th month of the year
  2. 4. color some leaves turn during fall
  3. 5. 8-legged insect
  4. 6. used to frighten birds
  5. 8. worn on the 31st
  6. 11. White spirit
  7. 12. they fall from trees
  8. 14. another word for fall
  9. 15. a color and a fruit
  10. 17. hides in caves
  11. 18. yellow vegetable