
  1. 2. Peskey birds
  2. 4. Its made by spiders
  3. 7. maze You can get lost in it, and there is corn
  4. 8. Protects your head from the cold
  5. 9. People like to wear them in fall
  6. 12. Squirrels eat it
  7. 13. Keeps your fingers from falling off
  8. 14. It is a type of pie
  1. 1. You can hunt it
  2. 3. Keeps you from getting frost bite
  3. 5. Stand in a corn field
  4. 6. They fall form trees
  5. 10. You celebrate it once a year in the fall
  6. 11. corn What is a vegtable and also candy
  7. 15. patch Where do you get your pumpkins form