
  1. 2. Before you bake that apple pie you better stop by that ______.
  2. 4. Where the pride rode the tide.
  3. 10. What's orange and glowing with spooky tales to tell?
  4. 11. The roles are reversed as the Seniors and Juniors battle it out at the ______ game. (Two Words)
  5. 12. Where the Lion roared and all grades levels could be heard.
  6. 13. A festival of feasting
  7. 14. Used to scare away birds.
  8. 15. A spicy warm drink to move you through fall.
  9. 16. I can't wait to sleep in on Thanksgiving ______.
  1. 1. Don't make a wrong turn and get trapped in the ______. (Two Words)
  2. 3. Suits and Dresses that adorned spirited Heritage students. (Three Words)
  3. 5. The most thankful month of the year.
  4. 6. Fall tree made by dipping fruit in caramel. (Two Words)
  5. 7. A mystery board game came to life on behalf of Heritage.
  6. 8. Go to your nearby coffee shop and grab yourself a _____ late. (Two Words)
  7. 9. The country sides of Loudoun County host trees with beautiful trees that host fall ______.
  8. 10. After raking one can see children _______ in a piles of leaves.
  9. 13. Ben Franklin's choice of the official bird for the United States but it lost to the Bald Eagle.