- 4. Acorn, spaghetti, butternut _________
- 5. What the Native Americans called corn
- 7. Turkey Day
- 8. A way to describe fall weather or fresh fruit
- 12. A fall transportation
- 14. A seedy flower that is usually yellow
- 17. Where ears grow
- 19. Where fruits and nuts come from
- 20. A way to stay warm in cold outdoors
- 21. Hollow vegetables used to decorate
- 22. Fruit that can be used in pies
- 23. Another vibrant color of fall
- 24. Columbus Day occurs in this month
- 25. Another way to stay warm in the cold outdoors
- 27. It begins with All Saints Day
- 30. A favorite sport of the fall
- 31. First month of fall
- 1. Bringing in the sheaves
- 2. Clothes for trees
- 3. Orange vegetable you can carve
- 4. Knit outerwear that keeps you warm
- 6. Delicious fruit beverage, served hot or cold
- 9. The seed pods of an evergreen tree
- 10. From these great oaks grow
- 11. You need to crack these to get to the best part
- 13. The color of sunshine and fall
- 15. Colorful autumn display
- 16. Man of straw
- 18. The last color of leaves before they die
- 22. Another name for fall
- 24. A color that represents fall
- 26. Horn of plenty
- 28. The night of tricks and treats
- 29. Snuggle with your sweetie under this