
  1. 4. Acorn, spaghetti, butternut _________
  2. 5. What the Native Americans called corn
  3. 7. Turkey Day
  4. 8. A way to describe fall weather or fresh fruit
  5. 12. A fall transportation
  6. 14. A seedy flower that is usually yellow
  7. 17. Where ears grow
  8. 19. Where fruits and nuts come from
  9. 20. A way to stay warm in cold outdoors
  10. 21. Hollow vegetables used to decorate
  11. 22. Fruit that can be used in pies
  12. 23. Another vibrant color of fall
  13. 24. Columbus Day occurs in this month
  14. 25. Another way to stay warm in the cold outdoors
  15. 27. It begins with All Saints Day
  16. 30. A favorite sport of the fall
  17. 31. First month of fall
  1. 1. Bringing in the sheaves
  2. 2. Clothes for trees
  3. 3. Orange vegetable you can carve
  4. 4. Knit outerwear that keeps you warm
  5. 6. Delicious fruit beverage, served hot or cold
  6. 9. The seed pods of an evergreen tree
  7. 10. From these great oaks grow
  8. 11. You need to crack these to get to the best part
  9. 13. The color of sunshine and fall
  10. 15. Colorful autumn display
  11. 16. Man of straw
  12. 18. The last color of leaves before they die
  13. 22. Another name for fall
  14. 24. A color that represents fall
  15. 26. Horn of plenty
  16. 28. The night of tricks and treats
  17. 29. Snuggle with your sweetie under this