Fall Break Review

  1. 1. This country was referred to as the "Jewel" of the British Empire
  2. 3. A British ship that was torpedoed by a German submarine in 1915, drawing the United States closer into WWI
  3. 6. With "system", an agreement between two or more countries; and another major cause of WWI
  4. 7. An economic system characterized by profit-driven entrepreneurs controlling the means of production
  5. 8. A European Country where they killed their king in 1789
  6. 12. English king that lost his head to the axe in 1649
  7. 13. A series of wars was fought in the 1800s between Britain and China over the trade of this drug
  8. 14. French military leader who effectively ended the Revolution by declaring himself Emperor
  9. 15. A term used to describe a nation's intense build-up of it's armed forces, and one of the major causes of WWI
  10. 17. French king that lost his head to the guillotine in the 1789 Revolution
  11. 18. A prison in France that was liberated during the 1789 French Revolution
  12. 20. A belief in and strong strong support for the interests of one's own nation
  13. 21. A term soldier's used to refer to the territory between trenches during WWI
  14. 23. A political ideology centered on the belief that Jewish people deserve a nation-state in their historic homeland of Israel
  15. 24. A worldwide organization of countries founded in 1920 to secure peace
  16. 25. The name of the city where LouisXIV had his palace; or the name of the treaty that ended WWI
  17. 27. A European Country that was blamed in the "war guilt" clause of the treaty that ended WWI
  1. 2. With "Revolution", a phrase that describes one of the key features of Europe during the 1800s
  2. 4. An economic class of people who had the necessary capital to invest in machines during the Industrial Revolution
  3. 5. A city in Bosnia and the site of an important assassination
  4. 9. One of the only countries in Africa to resist European conquest during the Scramble for Africa
  5. 10. An economic policy of limited government interference on free trade
  6. 11. A political theory developed by Karl Marx as a rejection of capitalism
  7. 16. Long-ruling French king with the nickname "sun king"
  8. 19. A declaration made by the Third Estate during the French Revolution
  9. 22. With "Rebellion", a nickname for a Chinese person that resisted foreign influence in the late 1800s
  10. 26. A European Country where they killed their king in 1649