Fall Crossword

  1. 2. 涼しい
  2. 6. オレンジ色
  3. 8. 黄色
  4. 9. This is かぼちゃ, but it is green.
  5. 11. apples, bananas, oranges, ...
  6. 12. ナッツ
  7. 15. It is sweet and brown.
  8. 17. This is かぼちゃ, but it is orange.
  9. 18.
  10. 20. 秋 or 落ちる
  11. 21. Halloween is __月__ 31st.
  12. 22. It is snowing. It is very ____.
  13. 24. 風、風、ああああ
  1. 1. After October, it is __月__.
  2. 3. Like a big chicken.
  3. 4. アメリカの感謝祭, do you know?
  4. 5. You wear it on Halloween
  5. 7. Not soccer, but _____.
  6. 10. only means 秋
  7. 11. I like to eat Japanese _____
  8. 13. It is cold. I wear a _マフラー_.
  9. 14. リリリリリリンンンンンンゴゴゴゴゴゴ
  10. 16. 茶色
  11. 17. At McDonald's, I eat apple _____.
  12. 19.
  13. 22. It is sweet, but not chocolate
  14. 23. In fall, I can see a yellow, orange, or red ____.