Fall Fever

  1. 5. Be anyone you want with this
  2. 8. "They're...mysterious and ____"
  3. 9. Tradition of honoring the deceased
  4. 12. Where you'll see Snoopy, Garfield, and Dora
  5. 14. Don't cross its path
  6. 15. Not just an Irish rock band
  7. 17. Who you gonna call?
  8. 19. Classic Halloween colors
  9. 21. Mellifluous synonym for fall
  10. 22. Something sweet and good to eat
  1. 1. Bayville's most popular attraction
  2. 2. Something crunchy underfoot
  3. 3. Fido's beauty contest
  4. 4. Seasonal Starbucks special
  5. 6. Perfect a la mode
  6. 7. Loved ones
  7. 10. Fourth Thursday in November
  8. 11. What the gleaners do
  9. 13. A turkey's gift from POTIS
  10. 16. Horn of plenty
  11. 18. October 31st greeting
  12. 20. Try not to get lost here